Help and Support


 RBE Villages is here to help people wanting involvement in developing coop village communities all over the world. We provide extensive guidance and support all through the process, and support after the village is operating. The goal is for each village to thrive and build their wealth for the resident villagers.


Village Development Support

Wašaka provides extensive support for those wanting village coops. This runs from predevelopment planning, to creating your village plan and business plan, to getting funding, and construction. We can even provide on-site construction assistance. Once your village is operating, we provide an operating high tech open source platform you can use, at cost, to run everything in your village. So you get tech support for your platform as well.

The specific services we offer are:

  1. Provide guidance on the process of developing a coop village community and the development of an operational plan.
  2. Offer assistance in creating a business plan for the coop village used in funding requests.
  3. Help identify sources of funding for the development of the coop village.
  4. Provide support on legal structuring of a coop village.
  5. Offer training and workshops on cooperative principles and practices
  6. Offer training and workshops on various construction approaches.
  7. Offer training and workshops on managing and governance in a coop village
  8. Offer training and workshops on developing the culture and community in a coop village.
  9. Offer paid on-site construction supervision of villagers during initial construction.
  10. Assist in connecting individuals interested in developing a coop village community with existing cooperative networks or organizations.
  11. Provide a robust administrative high tech platform on private servers using open source software to run all aspects of the coop village. See other blog for details. Done at cost (low).
  12. Provide ongoing support and mentorship to individuals throughout the development process of the coop village community.

If there is something you need, not covered here, just ask. We can probably provide it or help you figure out how to get it.

2 Answers
Gustavo Almeida
Best Answer

Will be great to see the input from the public about what are the priorities, in order to start developing online courses and workshops.

Best Answer

This is the status of services as of July 15,, 2023.


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